Subzone Kutno of Łódź SEZ
The Łódź Special Economic Zone covers an area of over 1700 ha and covers the Łódź Voivodeship, the eastern part of the Greater Poland Voivodeship and the western part of the Masovian Voivodeship. It offers well-connected, attractive areas for industrial investments and selected services, located in the center of Poland. A large selection of investment plots, tax reliefs and professional advice on public aid for investments make the Łódź Zone an ideal place for entrepreneurs interested in developing their business.

The Kutno subzone, which is one of 45 subzones belonging to the Łódź Special Economic Zone, was established in 2001 and covers a total area of approximately 130 ha. Until June 2018, the subzone was a separate area within the city, where entrepreneurs could start operating on preferential terms and use state aid. In connection with the adoption of the Act of May 10, 2018 on supporting new investments (the Act came into force on June 30, 2018), public aid for new investment projects is granted throughout the territory of the Republic of Poland. In other words, the investment can be located in any part of the city.
The industrial district, where most of the companies in the Kutno Subzone are located, is located in the vicinity of the national road No. 92 (former E30), the A1 motorway (Kutno East Junction at a distance of 1.6 km) as well as the E20 railway main and siding network. Over the last few years, the City of Kutno has invested over PLN 33 million in its development. The vast majority of this amount was allocated directly to the subzone.
Public aid
Entrepreneurs who want to start a business in the Łódź SEZ may take advantage of regional public aid for new investments granted in the form of corporate or personal income tax exemption. The condition for taking advantage of the tax relief is the receipt of the Decision on support, issued on behalf of the minister responsible for economy through the Łódź Special Economic Zone S.A.
For which projects can you get a tax credit?
- creation of a new enterprise
- increasing the production capacity of an existing enterprise
- diversification of the enterprise's production by introducing products not previously produced in the enterprise
- a fundamental change in the production process of an existing enterprise
Most types of economic activity can be conducted in the ŁSEZ:
- production
- service (including storage services) within the BPO sector: IT, research and development, accounting and bookkeeping services, financial audit, call centers and services in the field of technical research and analysis
For what period is the decision on support issued?
In the case of investments carried out in Kutno, the decision on support is granted for a period of 12 to 15 years depending on the location.
What are the conditions for receiving public aid?
The planned investment must meet certain quantitative and qualitative criteria in order to receive state aid.
Quantitative criteria
In the case of investments carried out in the area of Kutno, the minimum required amount of investment expenditure that the entrepreneur is obliged to bear is:
* In the case of the current SEZ status - the decision is issued for 15 years
Qualitative criteria
The entrepreneur chooses what criteria he wants to meet, but in order to obtain a decision on support in the voivodeship
Lodzkie Voivodship should obtain a minimum of 5 points, while it is required to obtain at least 1 point from each of the two indicated groups of criteria.
In accordance with the effective from 2018, investments in special economic zones may be located anywhere in Poland, both on municipal land (including state-owned or owned by State Treasury companies) and on private land.
Real estate tax exemption
In addition, the investor may apply for an exemption by local government authorities from real estate tax and land tax at the level specified in Resolution No. XVII / 188/15 of the Kutno City Council of November 17, 2015 on real estate tax exemptions under regional investment aid . More information is available here.
Team help
The pre- and post-investment process is carried out with the support of a dedicated employee of the Lodz Special Economic Zone, under which:
- we work closely with local authorities to improve the course of the investment process
- we organize free training for investors
- we organize annual meetings integrating Investors
- we promote Investors in the media
- we help in contacts with the Ministry of Development
As part of the support in the implementation of investments, the employees of the Lodz Special Economic Zone facilitate cooperation with network operators, e.g. gas or energy networks, and other institutions and business entities. Many years of experience in the investor service process resulted in the idea of creating an innovative Partner Program, which brings together reliable, proven partners in various industries, ranging from technical projects, through construction, supervision, equipment and employee recruitment, as well as other services (financial, consulting, etc.).
Any information on investment opportunities in the Kutno Subzone is provided by:
Lodz Special Economic Zone S.A.:
ul. Fr. bp. Tymienieckiego 22/24
90-349 Lodz
- Dorota Lombardi - Director of the Investor Acquisition and Service Department: tel. (+48) 42 275 50 51, dorota [dot] lombardi
[9][8][7][6]sse [dot] lodz [dot] pl
- Paweł Klimczak - Deputy Director for Investor Service: tel. (+48) 42 275 50 72, pawel [dot] klimczak
[9][8][7][6]sse [dot] lodz [dot] pl
- Agnieszka Sobieszek - Deputy Director of Investor Sourcing: tel. (+48) 42 275 50 52, agnieszka [dot] sobieszek
[9][8][7][6]sse [dot] lodz [dot] pl
as well as the Department of Culture, Promotion and Urban Development of the City of Kutno and its employees:
- Maciej Kostrzewa, phone (+48) 24 253 11 23, m [dot] kostrzewa
[9][8][7][6]um [dot] kutno [dot] pl