The tenement house where Dr. Antoni Troczewski lived

In this tenement house at 127th Narutowicz Street, Dr. Antoni Troczewski, a doctor, social and national activist, lived in the years 1920 - 1928.

On May 3, 1927, the foundation act of the banner of the People's National Union was signed here with the participation of Fr. Michał Woźniak and members of the board of the ZLN. On the banner, on one side, in the red field, there was the White Eagle with the inscription "God, Honor, Homeland", on the other side, on the white field, the image of Our Lady of Częstochowa, Queen of the Polish Crown and the coat of arms of the city of Kutno with the inscription around: "County Association of Kutno People’s National Union".

In January 1927, in the apartment of Dr. Antoni Troczewski at 127th Narutowicza Street, the Kutno branch of the Camp of Great Poland was established, headed by Mieczysław Fijałkowski.

In July 1928, Dr. A. Troczewski was visited here by the leader of the national camp in Poland, Roman Dmowski.

Dr. Antoni Troczewski died in his apartment on September 22, 1928. Two days later, his funeral took place, the description of which has been preserved in the press at that time:

"The funeral procession is led by Fr. prelate Woźniak surrounded by the clergy of the Kutno Region. Horsemen and pedestrians lead the march, whom he taught how to serve the Motherland, firefighters ..., schools ..., orphans ..., guilds and brotherhoods, agricultural and social organizations ..., behind a coffin, covered with the banner of the National Party of which he was the mainstay ... ".

Roman Dmowski, at the end of the funeral ceremonies, thanked those "who honored the deceased, with whom he was associated with the first years of cordial work for Poland and the birth of the national idea that organized and made the nation aware, preparing it to fight for independence and unification".

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