Agricultural Machinery Factory "Kraj"

In 1890 Alfred Vaedtke transformed his previous workshop into a small agricultural machinery factory that specialized in manufacturing threshers, manege and forage harvesters. In 1919 the name of the industry changed from "Factory of Agricultural Machines and Tools of Alfred Vaedtke" to "Joint-Stock Company Kraj, Factory of Agricultural Machines and Tools, formerly known as Alfred Vaedtke".
Moreover, in the late twenties of the twentieth century another expansion of the factory was made. During the worldwide economic crisis the production slowed down, due to that the workers started to strike. In 1931 the production for military purposes began. In 1938 the factory was employing up to 300 workers. Then, during the World War II, the factory was working for Germans. After the war, the factory was nationalized and then the production was resumed. To this day only the residential and office building survived from the XIX century's infrastructure. It is estimated that it comes from 1895. The remains of the factory are localized on the Wyszyńskiego street and in the place of the production halls a shopping center was established.  


dr J. Saramonowicz

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