„Nowa Oberża”

"Hotel Polski" or so called "Nowa Oberża" - is one of the most impressive building in today's city landscape that was erected by F.Mniewski in 1843. The architecture of the two-winged two-story hotel was based on the palace assumptions. The facades are decorated with rustication and sculptural decorations with a caryatid motif in the windows of the front building. On the first floor the classicist decor of the ballroom, now rebuilt, has survived. In the back of the main building in the side wing there were hotel rooms and next to the facility outbuildings together with a stable and a couch house. There was also a restaurant, casino and redoubt room (theatrical) in the building.
On the night of January 22/23, 1863 members of the insurgent National Government stayed overnight in the tavern.
In the interwar period, the building housed the famous cinema "Polonia".


dr J. Saramonowicz

Source url: https://um.kutno.pl/index.php/en/worth-seeing/nowa-oberza

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