Special Economic Zone

A Subzone of Special Economic Zone of Łódź S.A. (ŁSEZ) has been established in Kutno under the Decree of The Council of Ministers dated August 22nd, 2001 to enhance new opportunities for investments. The Sub-Zone of Kutno covers an area of more than 130 ha.
 These complexes are located in the industrial area of Sklęczki, neighboring the national road No.92 (ex-international road E-30 Moscow-Berlin) and the E-20 main railway track, as well as the net of sidings. Motorway A1 goes at a distance of 1.6 km away from SEZ. Every complex in the zone has complete infrastructure.

The Main Power Supply and Water Treatment Station that exists at Kutno Agro-Industrial Park have significant reserves of media. There are three independent electricity providers. Two operators of phone cable which functions in Kutno network guarantee the possibility of immediate connection.

Map of investments areas (avtice link)[0]

Starting the economic activity in Kutno at Łódź Special Economic Zone area gives the investor the possibility of using many tax allowances and exemptions. The most important among them, are:

  • state aid for new investment - income tax exemptions up to 35% of beared costs (55% for small and 45 % for medium companies), or
  • state aid for creating new workplaces - income tax exemptions up to 35% of two years labor cost of newly hired employees (55% for small and 45 % for medium companies), moreover
  • the assistance of Poviat Labour Office in recruitment and professional training of newly hired employees.


More details about public aid offered by Łódź Special Economic Zone are avaliable here.


Moreover, an investor can apply to the local authorities for real estate tax exemption and land tax exemption in accordance with the resolution of Kutno City Council No. IV/55/15 of March 4th, 2015 issued on real estate tax exemptions within the framework of the regional aid program for the entrepreneurs creating new workplaces related to new investments in the area of Kutno City.


Any information on investment possibilities in the area of Subzone Kutno, as well as in the City is provided by Department of Culture, Promotion & Urban Developemnt:

Mr Maciej Kostrzewa
phone: (+48) 24 253 11 23
m [dot] kostrzewaat[1]um [dot] kutno [dot] pl

Source url: https://um.kutno.pl/en/node/836

  • [0] https://um.kutno.pl/sites/default/files/pliki/laptop_0.png
  • [1] https://um.kutno.pl/modules/contrib/spamspan/image.gif