The house where Jan Nowak Jeziorański stayed

At the beginning of June 1942, Jan Nowak Jeziorański was staying in this house. Wearing a uniform of a railwayman of the German Eastern Railway Ostbahn, he was travelling through Kutno using the false identity of his childhood friend Jan Kwiatkowski as part of the „N” Action organized by the Union of Armed Struggle of the Home Army (Związek Walki Zbrojnej Armii Krajowej) focused on the distribution of newspapers, booklets and leaflets, which aimed at lowering the morale of German soldiers. 
He stayed overnight in a flat owned by Stanisław Celmer (1887-1969) -           a railwayman who settled in Kutno together with his wife Michalina in 1918.
The accommodation for couriers was organized by their daughter Regina Celmer (her married name was Regina Kuleczka) who, over the years, recalled meeting Jan Nowak Jeziorański for the first time saying: „One day, a young man knocked at the door of my flat. We had learnt about his arrival from the couriers staying here before. It was only known that he was an important person carrying „underground papers”. Our meetings were later described by Jan Nowak Jeziorański in his biography “Courier from Warsaw” („Kurier z Warszawy”) (…) Couriers would most often jump out of a train near the signal tower, and later they were brought to various important places in the city, and sometimes to other trains going in different directions, bypassing the station. Letters, packages and so-called „papers” were also delivered.  They were all thrown out of a train window before it arrived at the station…” 

Fot. Google Street View

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