St. Stanley Parish Church

The parish of St.Stanley (a bishop and a martyr) in Łąkoszyn exists probably from XIII century. A wooden church preceding today's temple was built in 1758. Originally there was a cemetery next to the church moved in to its current location in 1813, on St. Stanley street. In 1909 the church burned down due to a lightning strike. The builder of a new temple was the priest Wacław Kinast, its design was prepared by the architect Strzeżysław Bowbelski. The solemn consecration of the new church took place in October 1912. A neo-Gothic, unplastered brick building was erected on an irregular plan with an extended three-sided chancel, with side chapels. In the main body the nave is covered with a high metal gable roof. The entrance to the temple is obscured by a three-story tower, covered with a cupola in the form of a high pyramid on the base of a square. Inside there is tabernacle from the burnt church which has undergone extensive renovation, currently presented on the side altar together with the XVII century painting above the entrance. 


dr J. Saramonowicz

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