The Larch Wood Manor House

It was probably built in the first quarter of the XIX century in a classicist style from larch wood initially, covered with shingle. The form of the building refers to the typical old Polish gentry residence. At the entrance there is a porch supported by the columns. The outbuildings and the orchard were placed behind the Manor House. In the mid XIX century "the larch wood Manor House" belonged to S. Starzyński, the owner of pharmacy warehouse and drugstore. Then the building was inherited by his daughter Anna, a wife of J.A Chlewicki. That is why at a later time the house was called the "Chlewicki's manor". In the house at that time, besides living space there was also a guest house and social insurance offices. In 1987 the property was purchased by the Kutno town.
Currently, the building is the home for the Society of Friends of Kutno. In 1991 the facility was given to Regional Museum in Kutno. In 2012 the manor was thoroughly renovated. The building was completely destroyed and then re-erected.


dr J. Saramonowicz

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